Share Your Borderline Personality Disorder
Experiences by Taking a TARA Survey
BPD Researchers need to learn about your experiences with BPD: TARA developed surveys in response to observations
garnered from thousands of calls to our helpline and family classes. TARA’s surveys produce data quantifying your experiences
with BPD that can motivate new areas of research. With this data we can advocate effectively to improve diagnosis,
availability of evidence-based BPD treatment and increased research funding.
Questions our data will answer: For Families: When did you first realize that something was wrong or different with you
For those with BPD: How does it feel to have BPD?
Do you experience shame? How does that feel?
Tell us about your experience in the ER or in a hospital?
All data collected on TARA surveys is anonymous and confidential.
Thank you for helping us to help you.
To take a survey, click on the title.
Tell us about Sensory Sensitivity of the child who later met criteria for BPD
For over 25 years, TARA4BPD has listened to families describing a pattern of heightened sensory sensitivity and hypervigilance in their child who was later diagnosed with BPD. The child was very reactive to certain sounds and voices, had a heightened sense of smell, taste, textures of foods, seemed unable to tolerate various fabrics textures (seams in socks) and were sensitive to light. Parents also talked of sleep problems, sometimes beginning in infancy. These children were either hypo- or hypersensitive to pain. Many parents reported that sensory processing disorder was considered as was dyslexia, learning disorders, and ADHD. At present, the research community seems unaware of the potential role heightened sensory sensitivity might play as an early indicator of BPD.
In response to the overwhelming anecdotal data from thousands of parents, TARA4BPD developed this sensitivity survey. We hope to provide the research community with data demonstrating the existence of early sensory perception problems as a BPD biomarker. Hopefully, this data might initiate new directions in BPD research.
To date, little or no data is available defining what comprises a normative range of sensitivity in infants and children. Early identification of super-sensitivity and hypervigilance in a child, while their brain circuits are developing, could result in trainings to help them cope more effectively. This could reduce the maladaptive methods of coping with social interaction deficits (rejection sensitivity, self-referential processing, and negative bias) that are hallmarks of BPD. This type of training has been successful with autistic children
Please help us by taking time out of your busy schedule to provide answers to our survey.
Did You Observe:
Unusual Reactions to:
Sounds, Smells, Tastes,
Touch, Textures, Temperature,
Motion, Socializing
Is There a Relationship Between BPD, Autism, & Asperger's Syndrome?
Dear Friends,
For the past 20 years, TARA’s national helpline has been collecting data on family experiences with BPD. We realized that many Helpline callers who have BPD or have a family member with BPD may also have a relative with autism or Asperger's disorder. They are often unaware that the behaviors they are describing may fit the Autism or Asperger’s Spectrum. One of our callers is the mother of twins; one with BPD and one with Asperger’s Syndrome. We have received calls from people who meet criteria for both BPD and Asperger's disorder.
Several characteristics of people with BPD seem to correlate with the characteristics of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder such as difficulty recognizing faces, naming emotions (alexithymia), super sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as light, sound, textures, smells, touch, and difficulty mentalizing others.
TARA interacts with leading BPD researchers. We serve as a conduit to raise awareness of childhood experiences, issues, and specific behaviors of people with BPD and their families (e.g. BPD and Pain, C. Schmahl) such as the intense shame experienced by people with BPD.
In order to call attention to the relationship of BPD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, we need data to support our observations. We are asking you to please participate in our survey so TARA can collect data that support the study of the possible relationship between autism spectrum disorders and BPD. We hope this will motivate research leading to earlier, more accurate diagnosis and new directions in treatment.
Evaluating Your Experience with Shame
Shame is an emotion that is generally misunderstood. TARA is attempting to shine light on what the experience of shame feels like so as to motivate new research and foster compassion for those who experience shame as a core component of their sense of self. Unfortunately, SHAME seems to be a painful emotion often experienced by people with BPD. Shame: A negative and painful feeling in which the entire self is viewed as bad and/or worthless. Shame is a negative, painful, social emotion that can be seen as resulting from one's actions or feelings being compared to one's self-expectations or standards.
"I am bad, a bad person." " I am ashamed of who I am" "I feel like I am wasted space"
If you have BPD, please help us by completing this survey evaluating your personal experience with Shame, Guilt, Embarrassment and Humiliation.
Evaluating Your Experience in Finding Help for BPD
Misdiagnosis & Mistreatment of BPD
This TARA survey aims to learn about your experiences when searching for an accurate diagnosis of BPD and appropriate BPD treatment. It is only with data quantifying your experiences that we can advocate effectively to demand action to improve diagnosis, availability of evidence-based BPD treatment and increased research funding. TARA developed this survey in response to observations garnered from our helpline and family classes indicating that appropriate diagnosis and treatment is a major stumbling block towards getting help with BPD.
We appreciate your helping us to help you by taking the time to take this survey. It is anonymous, do it from your own computer, it will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. If you have had the experience of being misdiagnosed or receiving ineffective treatment for BPD, please help TARA to advocate for improvements in diagnosis and availability of BPD treatment.
How did your experiences in the Emergency Room or in the Psych Hospital make you feel?
TARA wants to know your perspective, your feelings, and your reactions to the ER (Emergency Room) or hospitalization for a suicide attempt.
What can a loved one do to help you during a psychiatric emergency or crisis?
What should a clinician know to help you during a psychiatric emergency or crisis?
Relationship between
BPD & Immune Disorders (AD)
Fibromyalgia, Crone’s Disorder, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Migraines, and other autoimmune disorders