Don’t Be Intimidated! You are smart, you can do hard things!

 1 Abstract
The Abstract, also known ask, “summary” or “overview” is a one paragraph summary of the aim of the research and the major aspects of the entire paper. Generally, what the problem is and what they plan to study and why. In other words, the hypothesis. It will help you determine how relevant the article is and provide more detail to help you decide if the article will be worth your time.

2 .Introduction
Introduces the topic and provides the rationale for the study. It will give you insight into the authors thinking about a topic and the reason they conducted the study. It will give you some sense of some past research in this area. Gives the reader an idea for why the topic is important to study.

3. Method
Explains the method used to test the hypothesis or to help answer the research questions. This section will include information from all participants, the measures or materials used int the study, and the procedures of the study. This is generally complicated, and you can skip reading.  

4 Analysis
Usually mathematical and statistical analysis of the results. You can skip this unless you are a statistics whiz!

5. Results
This section is the most technical and most difficult to understand. It contains the results of the analysis used to test the hypotheses or help answer the research questions. You can also examine means, percentages, tables, graphs, and other numbers in this section.  You can skip it.

6. Discussion
The discussion section also known as the “conclusion” will begin with an explanation of the results without the technical language. It will also put the results into context. It explains larger implications and applications of the study and offer suggestions for future research. Generally, it is an overview of -----------------------