ABOUT TARA For Borderline Personality Disorder HELP

tara stone


The Treatment and Research Advancements for Borderline personality Disorder is a  not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster education and research in the field of personality disorder, specifically but not exclusively Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD); to support research into the causes, psychobiology and treatment of personality disorders; to support and I encourage educational programs and endeavors targeting mental health professionals, consumers of mental health services, families and/or the community at large in order to reduce stigma and increase awareness of personality disorder, to disseminate available information on etiology and treatment and to lawfully advocate for accomplishments of these goals.


Founded in November of 1994 by Valerie Porr, MA in response to the realization that patients with personality disorders are stigmatized by the mental health community, as a group are; underdiagnosed, have little or no information available on etiology, nosology and treatment, and have little or no effective treatment available to them. These problems are prevalent nationwide.


A voice was needed to call attention to BPD. TARA, created to be that voice, advocates with legislators, mental health administrators, providers and other advocacy organizations for parity for BPD with other major mental illnesses, for decreasing stigma against these patients and for the establishment of appropriate treatment. The work of the dedicated professionals doing research into the etiology and treatment of BPD has not received the recognition it merits. Research programs focusing on BPD are often the first to be eliminated; treatment protocols are often cut out of managed care programs. People suffering I with BPD rarely receive optimum treatment, are the patients with the highest rate of recidivism and the longest and most frequent hospital stays They are the most intensive and expensive users of mental heathh and substance abuse services and broader human services such as the criminal justice system. These 'Grand Repeaters" leave health care professionals feeling helpless and are labeled "treatment resistant". Families, trying to cope with difficult be-havior without necessary skills, understanding, insight, support or guidance are devastated and hopeless. Improving treatment would be cost effective.


TARA4BPD is a national not-for-profit education and advocacy organization providing information on BPD to families, consumers, and providers. TARA4BPD refers people nationwide to clinicians and treatment programs that use empirically based treatment modalities. 

NATIONAL HELPLINE: We operate the a BPD HELPLINE , first in the nation, where we provide information on the etiology and treatment of BPD as well as referrals to qualified clinicians.

RESOURCE & REFERRAL CENTER: Organizations such as NAMI, the DANA Alliance, NMHA, NIMH and Lifenet in NYC refer requests for help on personality disorder to TARA4BPD. In turn, TARA4BPD refers callers to appropriate treatment and support groups. (e.g. Recovery, Inc.)

THE TARA METHOD: An evidence- based method of helping families to help their loved one with BPD. It is based on the award winning book by Valerie Porr, Overcoming Borderline Personality Disorder, A Family Guide for Healing and Change. Weekly classes are offered in New York City as well as weekend workshops to accomodate those who do not live in the New York area.

PARTICIPATION IN PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES: As part of our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of personality disorder, especially BPD, we hold workshops, symposia and lectures at major conferences locally, nationally and internationally. 

GUIDELINES FOR FINDING A DBT THERAPIST: In conjunction with Marsha Linehan, TARA4BPD provides a brochure explaining DBT and what to look for when finding a DBT therapist.  

BPD JOURNAL: The BPD issue of The Journal of the California Alliance of the Mentally Ill, co-edited by TARA4BPD President, Valerie Porr, MA, is in its second edition and has already sold over 7000 copies.  

INTERNET: Visit TARA4BPD.org for science based information aboutr BPD and to learn about TARA4BPD Workshops and Webinars. Our E-mail address: tara4bpd@gmail.com. 

MEDIA TARA4BPD has been featured the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Boston Globe, the Long Island Voice. Common Boundaries, NYS Psychiatric Bulletin, Pharm/Alert Notes and in countless newsletters of mental health organizations across the country. 

MEMBERSHIP & MAILING LIST Presently over 5OOO. Requests for information increase on a daily basis.

PUBLIC RELATIONS We publicize BPD treatment programs, latest research findings, co-morbidity studies and relevant personality disorder conferences. 



TARA4BPD meets with members of the Senate & Congress and their health aides to raise awareness of BPD, its' comoroidities as a Public Health Problem, the high costs of inappropriate treatment, inclusion of BPD in parity legislation, the need for creation of treatment programs as well as increased research funding.

